Quantitative determination of IgG antibodies

Test basics

Biomedal offers rapid quantitative tests for the detection of IgG antibody levels against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, using the Time-Resolved Fluorescence (TRF) method.

For the quantification, we use the Time-Resolved Immunofluorescence Analyzer. This device determines the relative levels of COVID-19 IgG antibodies through the optical immunofluorescent signal of the strip. The device signal is directly proportional to the amount of immunoglobulin present in the sample. In about 15 minutes you can measure the amount of antibodies.

Quantitative determination of IgG antibodies (Diagreat)
This equipment is intended to be transferred free of charge. The device is provided through the purchase of rapid antibody tests.

Product use

It is designed for in vitro diagnostic and professional use, in particular for laboratories or medical practices where working space is limited. It is especially indicated for:

  • Determining present or past exposure to SARS-CoV-2 virus.
  • Screening levels of immunity produced by vaccination.
  • Verifying the evolution over time of antibody levels.
Referencia Descripción
2019-nCoV IgG Antibody Determination Kit